Bullet journal page ideas are great when you want to mix things up and try new spreads. But with trial and error, you see what works for you. Everyone needs inspiration when their mind goes blank. It happens to the best of us!
It can be frustrating when you feel stuck or unmotivated to choose a spread. Especially one you will actually enjoy and benefit from.
I've put together a whole bunch of bullet journal page ideas so you can be on your way, creating your next spread in no time.
Meal planner page idea

This is so cute and I really enjoyed filling in what I cooked each day of the month.
also, I can always come back to this spread if I need ideas. I am one of those people, that always has trouble choosing what to cook each day.
Doodles page

I think this is truly beneficial for anyone that wants to get more creative.
Doodles not only enhance your drawing skills but can be so calming and relaxing. It's A time to take a break from life and just have fun with it.
Inspirational quote bullet journal page idea

Inspirational quotes are a great addition to any bullet journal. They are what you could consider 'quality over quantity.
Choosing a quote for a page idea depends on what you personally need to stay motivated and positive.
They are a positive fuel anyone can benefit from. You can often see them on post-it notes on someone's desk, or on a phone wallpaper.
Regardless it's a positive reminder that keeps you inspired and focused.
And you could always it up with illustrations or add it to your monthly calendar.
Gratitude spread

There is always something to be thankful for! but we get drowned in all the things missing or going wrong in our lives, we often overlook everything we do have.
A gratitude spread is an amazing exercise to change your mentality to be more positive. Every day you think of what you do have, and what you are grateful for.
Writing is a powerful tool, so by writing it down your training your brain to be positive every day.
Who wouldn't want to add more gratitude in their bullet journal page ideas?
Monthly header Titles

I love these. Every month I try to think of different ways to write out the month and I even try to make them as different as I can from previous months. It's such a fun spread to make and I get to practice different lettering styles.
By sharing them on social media accounts, they might even inspire someone.
Monthly favorites

What are you enjoying this month? It can be anything from your cup of coffee to your stationery pens. Another positive spread to allow you to focus on all the things you do have.
I write a list, then practice doodling on the corresponding page. I try and practice drawing and lettering at every opportunity I get.
Create a Collage Spread

Collages are so much fun. Different textures, colors, drawings, stickers, stamps. the list is endless and I love creating these. You use your creativity and style, to put together all these elements uniquely in a spread.
Plus there are no rules!
Fun tip: look through scraps around your house such as leftover wrapping paper, Used envelopes, or old magazines.
This page idea is also a great spread to cover a page you messed up.
Want to know more hacks on how to cover bullet journal mistakes?
Read these 10 hacks and never rip out another page again
Positive word page idea

One positive word spread. You can decorate it any way you like. When you look through your journal... positive word spreads really are motivational.
Think of only one word that inspires you or represents how your feeling. Words have energy and power and they have the ability to motivate, heal, and encourage. They can also cause the reverse effect - can be totally damaging and hurtful. We want to focus on the positive ones :)
Creative art

The beautiful thing about bullet journaling is that your page ideas don't need to be used just as a planner. Every page is your personal choice. It can be a mix of a planner and an art journal.
Using a planner, specific to just jotting down things you need to get done can get boring, at least for me anyway. However, combining the two is pure genius. Getting things done and exploring your artistic side all in one notebook!
Mood Trackers

These are super popular in the bullet journal world. There are so many creative ways to pull this spread or they can be totally minimal and functional.
Focusing on achieving the best version of yourself does require work.
Mood trackers provide you with a visual report on how your mental state is during that month. Then you can figure out what helps you change your mood when your down or anxious.
Self-care is important and you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.
Themes of the year spread

My sister created a bullet journal page idea in her bujo (we journal together every day).
I love how it turned out and would definitely try it next year and it's so much fun filling it in every month.
Want to give it a try?
Grab these 10 free bullet journal printable's that includes a 'Themes of the Year' spread
Word of the year bullet journal page idea

One word you want to focus on for the year. As mentioned before words have power and They can be a personal reminder of something important to you or a goal you have set for yourself.
Theme spread- Monthly cover page ideas

Every month you get to look forward to choosing a specific theme. It can be as minimal or as creative as you like. If you look at this monthly theme, they were all created using a couple of simple floral doodles.
Memories spread

What better way to remember special moments that are important to you? You can print photos you've taken during that month, that otherwise get lost in your phone's gallery.
Or get creative. Here I drew different owls, each one represents a member of my family and their personality. It was so enjoyable to do and my kids loved it. I also practiced coloring and shading with my favorite Prisma colors.

My kids even asked me to make the drawings into stickers, so having a silhouette cameo 4 came in handy, and now I have the cutest owl stickers I add to other spreads. They make me happy every time I look at them.
Can you spot them in this illustration?
Positive Notes bullet journal page idea

Writing is an amazing tool that helps you:
- remember what you want
- allows you to be more focused
- gets all the thoughts out of your head
Positive spreads focus on being reminded of what's important, that can otherwise be overlooked. Create a whole spread dedicated to positive vibes. You can also practice some doodles while your at it :)
Brain Dump

What is a brain dump? All the thoughts and ideas rambling in your brain can wear you down. well, this is where brain dumps are super helpful.
You can have different sections and jot all your random ideas and thoughts. Now that you have all your thoughts out on paper you can focus on your priorities and tasks on hand.
You can always come back to the spread when you want to remember an idea you had.
How To Draw page idea

These are spreads that consist of steps taken to create a doodle, basically a simple how-to tutorial. Here I made different versions of house doodles and It really is a great exercise to practice doodling.
If you love to share your spreads on Instagram and Pinterest as I do, then these spreads are really beneficial to inspire others as well.
Cheat Sheet

This may be different depending on the notebook your using but, bullet journal pages usually consist of drawing boxes and tables. And, getting them even can be a pain.
Nothing is more frustrating than to create a whole spread, only to realize halfway you didn't leave enough room for ‘Weekend'.
Instead of counting dots or squares on your page every time. A grid cheat sheet can be super helpful to refer back to before starting your page idea and save a ton of time.
Bucket List Page Idea

There are all sorts of bucket lists, so to name a few:
- Skills you want to learn
- Places you want to visit
- Goals you want to achieve
This is a spread that was part of a Collab I participated in on an Instagram 'post-covid bucket list Collab'. And, It was so interesting to see everyone's bucket list from all over the world.
I love the bullet journal community and here's why:
- There's a place for everyone
- You can be anyone from a student to a mom
- There are artists and beginners - It doesn't matter what level you are at
- You all are connected through your creativity
- You get inspiration whilst inspiring others
Got more ideas? If so, please add any bullet journal page ideas you have in mind in the comments below.
I'd love to try them out!
For more inspiration checkout my Pinterest account
Happy journaling everyone and stay safe :)